Important Training Reminder

This letter was circulated to players and parents on Thursday 6 August, 2020


Dear Players and Parents,

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to Jindabyne Rugby Union Club. We have enjoyed a successful return to rugby and have liked seeing lots of new players join the club and play some wonderful rugby. 

Getting rugby back on the paddock meant our volunteer committee had to do an enormous amount of COVID compliance work to ensure the safety and welfare of our players, club and community. Something the committee have enjoyed doing, particularly now that we’re are back to rugby and with such wonderful support from the players and their parents.

But unfortunately, one of the major COVID compliance regulations we are bound to follow is now getting too relaxed by some players and parents. 

Players and parents, your children MUST NOT arrive to training earlier than their team’s prescribed training time and left unsupervised on the oval. 

If your child’s team trains at 5:00pm, they are NOT to be on the oval earlier than 5:00pm and until their coach is in direct supervision of your child’s designated training area. This is a COVID-19 compliance regulation that must be followed and has been set by ACT Rugby.

In addition to COVID-19 compliance, your children are not being supervised prior to training. We had a serious incident occur at the oval this week prior to training where there was no parental supervision. A serious incident that would have been avoided if children were not arriving to training earlier than directed.  

It is our responsibility as parents, coaches and committee members to ensure the safety of all our players, many of whom are represented by children. 

Please DO NOT allow your children to arrive at training earlier than their team’s prescribed training time. This can be managed by simply waiting in your car at rugby training drop-off with your child until their training time commences and their coach is supervising their designated training area.

We thank our Jindabyne Rugby community and look forward to working together to ensure the safety of our children, senior players, coaches and our broader Jindabyne community. It is a team effort and that’s that makes our game and this club so great, so please support us. 

Thank you, 



Chris Marshall

JRUC President